Monday, 14 February 2011

Ahem...Here we go....18 months later.

It is so easy to be utterly enthused with the tantalising possibilities of a new hobby, be it Cufflink making, Scrapbooking, Blogging, video editing...I have toyed with each in the last year and a half but none of them beat snuggling up with a good book. So, despite my best efforts to become a well-rounded and interesting person, I can still only say the following about myself- "I'm Rachel and I study History. And I like to read." C'est tout. Todo. If we had an airbase or an airport near here, I could say that I love to watch airplanes but there is no such joy. The only airborne activity I get to observe is the falling precipitation coming down at a rate of knots- let's not pussyfoot about it, there were not cats and dogs to be seen. We're talking Elephants and Rhinos. Neither has an engine. Neither is especially thrilling. However, after seeing a number of blogs popping up, I decided to re-kindle the writing passion. This is also partly down to medieval economics. I dislike it with as much passion as the lectures leave me energy to muster and so, I need to do something to keep my mind keen. Writing is one of those things.

So...since I last blogged, a number of different things have happened. Here are a few, in no particular order-
1) Jess and I did some modelling for our dear friend Miss Beevers. (

2) We also mastered the duck-billed platapus.

3)I went to a 40s dance dressed in a black pencil skirt, frilly blouse and donning red lipstick.

4) Elder Guy (The boyfriend) has been out for about 20 months now.

5) I had a dance class in which I was lifted into the air and thrown around by our Ex-Marine dance instructor- that was quite an experience. =)Sadly...there is no photo. Pity.

6) I learned to do a plait...on myself.

7) My best friend, Jaz had a baby!

8) I sang in a crowded bar...

9) I went to Kendall castle with my Lancaster Jess and we played on the rope swings!

10) Oh, and I turned 20. =)

Good times!

(NB. Yes it's my hair. Yes it's natural. No, you can't buy it. Thanks anyway, though.)

1 comment:

  1. Nice pic of you and Jaz with babies!!! Looks like she had twins! Oh and as for the precipitation - you wouldn't get that at the UEA!!!
