So...Firstly, there has to be the AMAZING, Jessica. She has the added benefit of being my sister so she has insights that no one else has. She has seen me at my best and at my worst. She has seen me at my most hideous...(there is video footage of such sightings), at my happiest, at my saddest, at my most elated, my most excited, my most incensed....She is always there. Always. We are there for each other no matter what. She's like my other half- i couldn't live without her! We do everything together. We are polar opposites but we share a similar sense of humour and there is much laughter to be had. We can both appreciate beautiful things, in every sense of the word. ;) We dance around in public places together, sing together, wrestle, laugh, chat, laugh some more, talk, laugh... She's the sort of friend you wish you could have with you all the time. There are things I see and hear EVERY DAY that I wish she could see and hear too. We have our own code language. We communicate telepathically most of the time, much to the disturbance of others. It's the type of code-language where nothing needs to be said. We're sisters so we don't always see eye to eye...but it never lasts for long. In fact, I remember being amidst a heated discussion with her in our room. We were getting changed at the time and she was angry at me. As she was telling me, in a most animated fashion, about her grievance as she was putting her top on. The hanger tie at the back of the top caught on her nose and made her look like a little piggy. We both immediately collapsed laughing. Situ diffused! I LOVE my sister SOOOOO much! I love how she would get my bed ready for me so when I came in from a dance I could just climb right on in, I love how she would stay up so when I came home from a date, she could get the low down. I love how fiercely she protects me. I love how she loves the people I love. I love the look she gave me when she realised I'd bought us tickets to see the Goo Goo Dolls! EEEEK!! I love dancing with her on skype. Yes, Skype. I love catching the bus with her...who knew bus journeys could be so fun?? I love washing up with her with our washing up playlist blaring out on youtube...before Daddy comes and turns it off. I love it when she says "I'm not going to sing that song with you right now" Even though she knows full well she will concede eventually. I loved watching the DVD I made her of the two of us and seeing her cry at the end when our favourite 'sisters' song came on. I loved that she would follow me and Ieuan around tirelessly just so I could have a whole myriad of photographs to look back on when he left. I have grown up with her, played the most amazing games with her, dressed up with her, covered for her, made adverts with her, modelled with her, cried with her, died laughing with her...we wrestle with Daddy sometimes,that's fun. We quote the Gilmore Girls (we pretty much are the Gilmore Girls)...She is the ultimate of ultimates. Love you, Jebs!

My parents are my friends too.... I have always been able to talk to them frankly and openly about anything and they have been able to do the same with me. I love spending time with them. As a family, we love to play games and watch movies and take walks to the famous Catton Park where we climb on felled trees.
There is nothing more exciting than a bit of exclusive time with Daddy, even if it's just nipping to Asda or B&Q. I love talking to him on car journeys and cuddling him on the sofa and talking with him about life. I love making my dad proud of me. When I'm with my Mum, I love to talk to her about girly things (like boys...or boy), eat lunch together whilst watching something that only she and I enjoy, sing with her, laugh with her, read with her and cuddle with her....did I mention that already? When I talk to my parents, everything in the world gets better and when I'm on my Daddy's lap (yes, even at 20 years old)there is nothing scary, stressful or painful. It all just goes away for a little while.

Ieuan, or Elder Guy as he is commonly known as at the moment, Is what we call, Favourite and Best. I have a few best friends at varying degress of bestness and he's WAY up there, holding a rather exclusive position. He and I are similar in many ways. He is the one I can talk to about aircraft and his eyes don't glaze over. He loves big engines as much as I do and, as such, we have collaborated our specialties and have conceptualised a motorised zimmer frame that puts out at least 600 bhp. That way, when I am old and grey, I can still have the use of a powerful engine! We have planned to build castles, cathedrals, we have made plans to maraud small islands so we can fund our own private metro service...He always seeks to remind me of my good points and helps me to improve my short-comings. We both enjoy exercise, copious laughter, studying the scriptures, teaching and, most of all, talking/writing. Sometimes, we can be a little bit donut escapades, ice-cream fights and flour wars in the kitchen, but that's all part of the fun. I have so many fond memories. He would actually RESEARCH my homework assignments when I got them so that if, by chance, I needed his help, he would already have answers. He was patient with me when I couldn't direct him around my own city! He treated driving with me in the car as an adventure because...heck, who knew where we'd end up! I certainly had no clue! Even though he's away right now, Ieu still makes me laugh constantly and always impresses me with his example. He makes me want to be better than I am and I am grateful for the way he serves so tirelessly. I've always seen him as superman, really! He's amazing at EVERYTHING!! He's the sort that induces a pretty mammoth smile. An Everestian smile, no less.

His brother Robin is another close friend of mine (the whole family are wonderful)- he never fails to make me laugh with his outlook on life. Rob's the sort of friend you want around you when everything seems to be caving in because if anyone's humour can get you out, it's Rob's. Heaven help the one who causes me grief...the phrase "I'll have him" has been heard SO many times. =)

Emily and Richard are SOOOO lovely. I spent some of my summer holiday in 2009 with Emily- we were both in Utah. She was right there at a pretty tricky time for me (Getting rejected from Uni and having no clue what to do with my life). Richard is like a brother to me and the three of us have some really good fun together! We went camping...the three of us and Robin, last November. It was chilly but such good fun!

Jess Thompson- Is the Primo friend that I wish I'd had sooner but feel so blessed to have now. Jess and I spend most days together studying, most sundays together teaching (in church) and our free time together having fun. Jess and I are pretty different in some ways. She's the cool one. It's been said by many and I am more than willing to give her that. She's pretty cool. She and I like to go to far off places like... Kendal. We're always up for a bit of an adventure! If life was longer and university wasn't so busy, we'd probably be putting many of our grand plans into action! I think both our parents are so glad that when we're away from home we have each other. Somehow, it always happens that if I am in an awkward situation, she is in it with me...the sign of a good friend. She may put you in it but she'll be right there with you! (Manchester and golf is all I have to say, Hagbo). We rather enjoy quiet girly nights in watching films...Pearl Harbour is a fav. Aircraft, Hawaii...pilots. Yeah. GREAT film. Jess and I seem to find a lot of things amusing. I have been known to have to leave a lecture due to excessive laughter. Jess has the most contagious laugh in the world and boy do we laugh. A lot.
Tania is another Best Friend. She was like a big sister/mother at times in our first year. She is always around when I need her, we shared ham and cheese in first year as we both loved toasties and it just made sense! I have given her hugs in the middle of the night when she's been in tears and unable to sleep due to a rugby injury, she's has given me hugs when I've been sad, we have cooked together mucho times, laughed together often and have just had some wonderful, wonderful times together. Love you ,Tani!

Chrissie is my childhood friend. The sort of best friend you have throughout your life even though you don't see each other often. Chrissie is my benchmark. I want to be as good and amazing as Chrissie is! We have had so many amazing times together- great memories and I miss her loads!

Jaz is another of those best friends- I hardly see her but I know I could pick up the phone immediately and tell her anything. She and I are very similar in character. We are very smiley, happy and excitable people. Our story is pretty unique...we can count on ten fingers the amount of times we have seen each other...we are just that close- we got on immediately!! Jaz and I chat about everything and anything, we share each others joys and heartaches completely. She's an amazing person and a wonderful friend. I love you, Jaz!
Then there's the beautiful Alice Faye Wise- Another bestie in a distant land. Love you girl!
Anisha, Harriet, Hannah and James are my best friends outside of church. I love them soooo dearly. We were at sixth form together. They always encouraged me to be my best self and never to lower my standards for anything. They invited me to parties but knew that I wouldn't feel at ease there so, instead, I would write letters to them to be read out at said gatherings... I was there in spirit. They were around when my boyfriend and I first started seeing each other- they remember the excitement from the beginning. Miss Cooper used to let the 3 of us girls sit and chat about it during lessons because she knew we'd get the work done anyway. We love Miss Cooper too. I remember a time when I was feeling a little down. They were waiting for me when I walked into school with chocolates and tissues. They are always there to listen. They are amazing and I love them loads.

Miss Cooper...

Phil is my best guy mate. I can talk to phil about pretty much anything. Sometimes, when a group of us girls are talking, we forget Phil is a guy (in the best possible way)...he just joins on in! I went to watch him play rugby the other day which was pretty cool. He made this epic catch..(he's single, by the way girls!) I love driving around with Phil with the music up loud, windows down, singing "Ride forever" from Due South at the top of our lungs! Good times, Phil, good times. (There is currently no picture of mine and Phil's crazy car times... but here's a great one of Phil!)

Jake is a great friend too- he always tries to make me smile if my energies are waning. He's just so lovely. He and Jess surprised me by plastering post it notes all over me after a church meeting on wednesday. It was probably the loveliest things anyone has ever done.

Then, of course, there's the Lancaster crowd! Love them all! Al goes running with me and is my Ward Council buddy, Dan Lisgo is my cinema buddy and brought me a Big Mac when I had swine flu. Sam is a great friend too but he's on his mission right now... And I miss our Denise loads too...studying just IS NOT the same!

Danielle is another good friend. We have done some pretty crazy stuff together...I miss her craziness! =)
Hyrum and Joe are wonderful- both out on missions for the church at the moment but they mean a great deal to me too. We've had some good times together.

So, when I think about my closest friends, I think of a scripture..."And I will be on your right hand and on your left...and mine angels round about you to bear you up."
Reading about them all here, you are certainly very very blessed to have such amazing friends. They are a blessing to me too, because anyone who makes my girl happy, makes me happy by default. One of my very very favourite things in all the world has always been to see (hear) you and Jess at your laughingest.
ReplyDeleteBut in reading about all those good friends, it makes me think of the saying "the best way to have a friend is to BE one". And just as you have said about them, they are blessed to have you. As am I. x
Well, well, well! Thank you muchly. That was a most flattering ode to moi at the start- obviously, talking about the sacred pig moment...testing my affection a little! But the fact that we talk via minds, too true! I just remember sitting in the living room and Ieuan getting very annoyed because he didn't know what we were laughing about...I don't blame him. We only said two words before we collapsed in hysteria and those words were, "No?!" and "Uhuh!!". I love you my wonderful sister. thank you so much for everything. Jessica xxxx
ReplyDeleteHey loved one! Nawwww this is soo lovely! made me smile big time! especially the sneaky pic of the chins!!!!hahahaha. I cannot even begin to count the amount of amazing and, more often than not, utterly ridiculous memories we're racking up together, uni would not have been the same incredible experience without you!and I feel equally blessed to have you as my primo! You really do make damon look ugly, ben affleck most certainly does not know what he's missing and I love you more than a fat kid loves cake. thats alot btw. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteI loved this. I feel honoured to be on it, as I know that at times you find me frustrating and challanging... hahaha Mostly, when I say outrageous things such as Ghandi was right, the caste system should not be changed and that the poor should not be able to be vote and just learn how to be happy with their posisition in life. You are an amazing friend as well Rachel.